Self Love:
As I was wrapping up my intentional 10 day happiness journey, I realised how much I enjoy sharing that I wanted to keep going. This time though, I want to share about self love rituals that I have done, and do regularly.
Self Love to me is all about honouring and enjoying all that I am in any given moment. Sometimes that means giving myself directed TLC, and sometimes it’s just building in nice habits/practices for myself.
Tonight as I was massaging my face with some lovely nurturing oil that I used to use on my belly when I was pregnant, it dawned on me that this is one that I used to do and have gotten back into.
After I wash my face, I then look at myself in the mirror and just say nice things to myself while I massage the oil into my face. It smells divine, it feels so luxurious, and after a few minutes, I’m full of love.

I will expand more on self love practices that involve the mirror later, as I have done them hundreds of times over the years. So I’ll just leave this one… making the routine just a bit nicer by adding in massage, and talking sweetly to myself. 🙂

“I love you” 🙂 <3
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