How to Deal with Overwhelm
We have all been there. Life feels like it’s moving at hyper speed, and we are keeping up, until all of a sudden we are not and it becomes entirely too much to deal with and we feel overwhelmed. Overwhelm […]
Helping You Create a Life That Feels As Good on the Inside as it Does on the Outside
We have all been there. Life feels like it’s moving at hyper speed, and we are keeping up, until all of a sudden we are not and it becomes entirely too much to deal with and we feel overwhelmed. Overwhelm […]
Create for the Highest Good We are in this very unique time in history, where we get to create the new version of the world together, with intention, with purpose, for the highest good. This is the cocoon stage where […]
Jennifer Marilyn How to Deal with Anxiety
How to Deal with Physical Pain I write this post with the utmost respect for the journey you are on. These are some things that I do and have done when dealing with physical pain and I hope they may […]