Self Love: Showering the body with love During a shower 🙂
So under normal circumstances I am the queen of quick showers, in and out with everything needing to be done in about 3 minutes or so. Unless I have to wash my hair, which happens about once a week, so I then end up taking what feels like an extraordinarily long time. When these long showers happen I take the opportunity to really show love to my body, my hair, all of myself. I gently oil up every part of my body (I use a shower body oil most of the time except in the high heat of summer), and with each part of my body I feel it, and just send love and adoration from my scalp to my toes. How glorious it is to have such a strong body to stand up in the shower, to have arms that can reach, and hands that can feel, a belly that grows humans, and breasts that can feed. How amazing is this human body that I get to hang out in, so capable for anything that comes along in life.
My shower love is actually based on a tip from a woman who I went skinny dipping with. She said when she had lived full time in Byron Bay that she had major body issues, and it wasn’t until returning years later (on the visit I met her) she could actually enjoy it because she was finally comfortable and at ease in her own body. She said EVERY time she took a shower she said “I LOVE YOU” all up and down her body. The interesting thing is that this woman was absolutely gorgeous – petite, slender, tanned blonde Italian who looked about 15 years younger than her actual age, and just had a great vibe about her.

Anyway, taking the time to slow it down, use nice products for my skin, and show love to each part, and perhaps say “I love you” at each stop along the way. Self Love Shower Style <3

It’s All Love <3
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