Happiness in the form of enjoying oven fresh baked goods.
Abraham loves to help me bake. I remember as a kid fondly baking with my grandmother in her little kitchen in the rural part of Central California next to corn and cotton fields, orchards, and dairies. I’d help her make homemade fig newtons, molasses cookies, and fruit filled half moon pies. So doing the same with Abe brings back a deep level of happiness for me. I find that with emotion, especially strong emotions it’s like all of my archived memories are attached to whatever the emotion is, so it intensifies in an amazing way. Which in my mind, is just another reason to find the good in life, and focus on that. 🙂
Today we made Lactation cookies to help boost my milk supply for Bub which featured some delicious macadamias that some of our friends grew. I was out of coconut oil, which is what I usually use in baking, and used butter… oh the glory of butter!!! I absolutely adore butter and may revert back to using butter in baking again after all, because really these came out absolutely divine!
Abraham and I did our kitchen magic and enjoyed a few all the while as Little Aristotle was napping. There aren’t too many times these days where it’s just Abe and I doing something together, and this special time makes me happy too. I love that guy so much and am so honoured that I get to be his mum. ❤

This is part of my 10 happiness journey where I’m recognising, capturing, sharing what makes me happy and inviting all of you along with me. You are more than welcome to venture in on your own privately or publicly – It all feels so good <3

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