Happiness in the form of Connection.
There are some hard and fast truths about me that I have wholeheartedly come to accept. I have found that anytime I’m feeling off or out of sorts for whatever reason, I know I need to dive in strong with an arsenal of things/ways of being that I KNOW lift my spirits.
One of the big happiness triggers for me is in connecting with others, and within community. It can be as simple as making small talk in the grocery store isle, or even mindfully using social media to connect (a big difference from times where I may find myself doing it out of habit), even better is when I can find or create a group where we have something in common as it becomes rather effortless. I have found connections like this many times over the years like joining various clubs and student council when I was new at the high school, or joining the sorority when I went to college, or creating very close knit friends in Yosemite, or creating a tight knit study group at Uni here in Australia, or venturing into the theatre crowd where I met my darling gift of a husband after my head on collision, and definitely with my Mother’s Group.
My Mother’s Group, dubbed “The Lovely Ladies with Beautiful Babies” has been and continues to be an amazing source of connection and happiness for me.
Since we all met at a community run event over four years ago, I took the initiative to invite them to join a group I made specifically for us here on Facebook. Thankfully they all were keen as we were new parents and all had babies that were born between September and early January. For me, connecting was like building a lifeline that I knew I needed in the most profound way, especially as a new mum, especially as a mum who had just gone through a very traumatic birth and my own health issues around it, especially feeling isolated and without any help around besides David, and especially because the birth happened in Sydney versus in the Northern Rivers where all our friends were. This group quickly became such an integral part of my life.
Over four years later, the dozen of us mums have met at least once a week, and often more times for meet ups, lessons, birthdays, games nights, and just fun time. We are all so vastly different and yet we have this amazing common bond that is so unique and supportive. I’ve talked about them many times here on FB as I’m consistently grateful for their role in my life, and I feel as appreciative today as ever.
The happiness I feel because I have this awesome group of women who have gone through the rollercoaster ride of becoming a parent with, who have seen me at my worst, and hopefully at my best too, and vice versa, makes my heart feel overflowing with love and joy.
I hosted Mother’s Group at my house today and I’m not very good at taking pictures during but snapped one before we deflated the jumping castle after everyone had gone, and I still feel a tender loving happiness for them. Even better is that they have all grown up together and essentially act like cousins which feels like such a gift since all of David’s relatives are much older, and mine live on another continent.
This is a 10 day adventure of recognising and sharing what makes me happy in my life. Everyone is invited to do this, join in, even if you do it privately, it really feels great. ❤

All Love <3

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